Meet the Press (& vice versa)

The POURTIONS mini-festo

Walk down any street today and one thing becomes immediately clear: we have really let ourselves go. Waistlines are exploding like the national debt. Arteries are jammed like Grand Central Station at rush hour. And there are plenty of helpings of blame to go around — fast food, slow metabolism, excessive elbow-bending.

POURTIONS was created to help you take back the power and counter this unhealthy trend. Using eye-catching graphics, our approach is all about mindful intake— delivered in a funny, engaging, un-sciency way. Our unique graphics offer a variety of nearly perfect pour lines, depending on the use, while the tabletop designs feature visual cues as well. Our idea isn’t to hit people over the head with a “message” or offer perfect serving sizes, but rather deliver a gentle nudge that helps reinforce mindful consumption. Plus, they’re really funny (because no one like a nag :)

So, where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Vacationing with Oprah as we discuss a POURTIONS/Weight Watchers joint venture? Perhaps, but in the near term, we simply want to grow and spread the word, while spreading the laughter. But seriously, how cool would it be to someday see POURTIONS restaurants?!?

Eating and drinking delicious foods and wines are two of life’s most enjoyable experiences, but counting calories and feeling guilty is a drag. We’re hoping POURTIONS can do its small part in putting the control back in the hands of the people.

About Us

Dan + Mary Cassidy are the founders, designers, and multi-hat wearers at POURTIONS. (The extended team consists of two ambivalent children and an indifferent dog.) We have long-established careers in the fields of advertising, graphic arts, and fashion. We look forward to raising a glass with you!

About the Product

Glassware: Our glasses are 100% made in the USA. The inks are organic & dishwasher safe (watch those stems, though). The platinum metallic ink has real metallic flakes. The wine glasses have pour lines at 6 & 9ozs. The bourbon+whiskey pour lines are 2 & 5ozs, and mixed drink glasses at 6 & 8ozs.

Tabletop: Our dishes are porcelain and made in Poland. They are decorated in Maryland, USA. The graphics are not exact serving sizes, but simple, subtle reminders.

 Fun Facts That May Only Interest Us ;)

o Research shows that people unintentionally consume more calories when faced with larger portions.

o The Surgeon General announced a "Call to Action" for obesity prevention which stressed the importance of portion control.

o The larger the package, the more people consume from it without realizing it. (hmmmm, if only there was a fun, hip brand that could help me with that?)

o 20 years ago: 2 slices of pepperoni pizza 500 calories. Today? 2 slices of pepperoni pizza 850 calories. I’m no math whiz, but that’s like, a lot, more.

o Also in the last 20 years: Hamburgers have expanded by 23 percent; A plate of Mexican food is 27 percent bigger; Soft drinks have increased in size by 52 percent; Snacks, whether they be potato chips, pretzels or crackers, are 60 percent larger.