Whiskey Bourbon Rocks Glass | I Do / I DID?!

Glass Tumbler with Perfect Pour lines. These make great Gifts for Men and pair well with Drink Mixology Kits. Use with Whiskey, Scotch, Bourbon, or any other cocktails. Groomsman Gifts and Bachelor Party Gifts too!

What happens in Vegas, may stay in Vegas—but what happens at your wedding reception may stay with you for the rest of your life (and not in a “you-have-great-cheekbones” kind of way). Make your wedding a memorable occasion for all the right reasons.

  • Designed, obsessed over, and Made in USA
  • 10 oz. glass, with nearly perfect pour line @ 2 oz.(top line is 5 oz.)
  • Handwash only due to Metallic Inks
  • Graphic lines are Metallic Dark Platinum & Matte White (Yes, the metallic costs a touch more, but on this special day, worth a bit of a splurge :)

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